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Gold and Regular membership is now more discreet

Gold membership is for our valued lovers and fans. We understand your need to be discreet and have therefor made some changes to Gold membership and to Regular (free) membership;
Shoutbox: From now on Gold member shouts are only visible to logged in members and not open to the world. So you can now post your greetings and messages safely. (But no contact info or prices please as no ads are allowed).
Personal Ads: If you want to be seen more then place an Personal ad in Adult jobs > Various Wanted category and as a Gold member your ad will be getting Gold status and will be listed on top of the category and sidebar and be seen by all.
Personal Ads: For Regular members there has been no changes. You can post free personal ads as usual.
Are you an advertiser with Regular or Gold membership and want to be seen more? Then Platinum membership is for you. Platinum members shouts posts are visible to All as usual, incl logged out members and guests. Your shouts are being seen more to guests since Gold members posts are now hidden.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news